Monday, March 3, 2025

What will it Take?

One wonders what King Trump will need to do or say in order to be impeached for a third time.  Openly declaring his support for a Communist dictator while demeaning a Democratic ally would seem to be sufficient but the current Republican Senators seem unfazed.

With every breach of our Constitution and of democratic norms, our King certainly feels more empowered to dismantle American Democracy and move toward autocratic rule.  Unless Republicans develop a moral backbone over the next few years, there may be no Presidential election in 2024.

What if our King openly calls for the arrest or assassination of his political enemies?  What if he sends American troops abroad to expand his kingdom.  What if he keeps cutting funds for medical research, healthcare and vital social services?  Will they act then?  Will our King be impeached and removed from his throne?  One doubts they have the courage. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

The Nature of Friendship

We encounter hundreds, if not thousands, of fellow humans in the course of our lives but relatively few become friends.  During childhood, when we have limited mobility, friends are generally neighbors or school mates.  Later, as a driver's license, employment and advanced education broaden our horizons, we may have friends from across the city, from other regions of the country or from other countries across the globe.

Yet, in all cases, friends tend to be individuals who share our interests, our favored pastimes and our general philosophy of life.  If the friendship does not develop naturally and if we need to work at its survival, it will fade over time.  Of course, today's mobile lifestyle works against long term friendships, which, if sustained, often exist primarily on social media and are reinforced by occasional gatherings.

Nevertheless, friends remain an important part of our lives and, in my opinion, are vital to our overall health.  Unrestrained by the deep-seated, emotional ties of family, they offer companionship, straight-forward feedback and a source of comradery as we face life's challenges.

See also:  Friends & Family and Friendships & Technology  

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Months & Seasons

March, like June, September and December, is a month of two seasons.  From a meteorologic (i.e. human) perspective, spring begins on March first while the astronomic (i.e. natural) spring begins on or about March 21 (the spring equinox).

While our distant ancestors paid far more attention to the equinoxes and solstices that mark the beginning of nature's seasons, modern humans have settled on twelve months of variable length that divide our unnatural year.

For that reason, most of March is often more winter-like across central and northern latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere.  This is especially true at higher elevations; here along the Colorado Front Range, March is the snowiest month of the year even as the first wildflowers add welcome color to the drab winter landscape.  Then again, climate change may eventually abolish our concept of seasons altogether.