Banished to South Florida for much of the winter, it begins to creep northward with the lengthening days of February. By March, it has become entrenched across the southern States and is poised to sweep northward as Pacific storms race to the east. But here in the Midwest, it doesn't gain a foothold until the middle of May.
Yesterday brought the first hot, muggy air of the season, carrying in a flock of nighthawks and setting the stage for strong thunderstorms later in the evening. Building through May, the soupy atmosphere will peak in mid summer before the jet stream drifts southward once again. Until then, many of us will come to loathe our Midwest steam bath, though, just weeks ago, we couldn't wait to escape the chilly days of early spring.
But humans are like that, impatient for the future and embellishing our memories of the past. For now, we'll make the most of this hot, humid season, enjoying the light shows, the summer birds and the verdant growth of May and June.