We could hardly wait. After what seemed like a month of frigid, Arctic weather, this week's forecast called for highs in the thirties and forties (F). It would feel like spring! But, except for one sunny, mild afternoon, the promised thaw has been a gray, damp, chilly experience.
This morning, enveloped in an icy fog, we in central Missouri know that winter still grips the land. Indeed, the current bout of "seasonal conditions," with low clouds, wet streets, humid air, gray snow banks and temperatures just above freezing, are less comfortable than the frigid but dry, sunny weather of the preceding weeks. And those bright, blue skies and sparkling snowscapes were more pleasing to the eye.
We humans are always looking ahead, convinced that tomorrow will be better than today. Despite their frequent inaccuracy, we focus on long term weather forecasts, looking for a reprieve from the heat or snow, from the rain or drought. It's probably best to take one day at a time, knowing that winter is here and that spring will follow.