To the uneducated, this world can seem both daunting and mysterious. The complexity of our bodies, our culture and our surroundings, coupled with the seemingly random occurrence of catastrophe, leads to the assumption that spiritual powers manipulate our lives. As a result, these individuals are easy prey for those who espouse a simplified view of life and who, for a price, offer the key to their personal welfare.
Arguing that modern science and governments are a threat to individual freedom, the zealots of various religions and political movements appeal to these lost souls, swelling both the ranks and the bank accounts of their organizations. Spurred on by paranoia and fear, gullible followers find solace in the simple, narrow-minded message of these prophets and come to despise the views of others, especially the "intellectuals" of society.
Claiming to protect the beliefs and rights of their members, the zealots set out to disrupt and derail social progress, potentially denying all of us the benefits that modern science, technology and education have to offer. In turn, both the advance of human society and the welfare of this planet are placed at risk.