Sunday, June 27, 2010

Gulf Coast Mysticism

Faced with an ongoing ecological disaster and the onset of hurricane season, the Gulf Coast governors have declared that this will be a Day of Prayer in their States. All Conservative Republicans, they have little concern for separation of Church and State; after all, they know their constituents and hope to be re-elected.

They may also remember that, in response to a severe drought, the Governor of Georgia successfully conducted a prayer service at the State Capitol a few years ago. And it apparently worked; within a year, widespread flooding had eliminated the drought. Perhaps California could conduct annual services to ward off the threat of earthquakes or Oklahoma could ask God to shift Tornado Alley to the east. New England might end Nor'easters with more attention to prayer and Colorado could ensure plenty of snow for its ski resorts.

Let's hope the Day of Prayer works. God could easily place his thumb over the spewing oil well and blow the hurricanes off to the south (where they could ravage poor, unimportant countries). But if the prayers are not successful, I suggest we start sacrificing virgins on the beaches.