Monday, October 21, 2019

Back to the Sixties

Faced with an impulsive narcissist in the Oval Office, one who is threatening stability on a global scale, we are in desperate need of the fervor that characterized the 1960s.  Having come of age during that era of mass demonstrations, I doubt that cyber-petitions will be nearly as effective.

As the Impeachment process continues to slog through Congress, perhaps destined to be shot down by Republican Senators, the rest of us must take to the streets to demand that Trump be removed from office.  He is a threat to our Democracy, to human rights, to the welfare of our environment and to the stability of our civilization.

We might laugh at the SNL skits and be amused by his ignorant Tweets but Americans, left, right and center, must join forces to remove this self-absorbed showman from the seat of power.  His presence is an embarrassment to our country and a dishonor to those who fought and died for our freedoms.