Monday, January 27, 2020

Death of an Icon

The tragic death of Kobe Bryant yesterday, along with his young daughter and seven others, shocked the sports world and evoked personal sentiments from across the globe.  The fact that such a young and vigorous superstar was suddenly lost to his fans and admirers in a helicopter crash was difficult to accept, highlighting the seemingly random nature of death; the cause for the crash remains uncertain this morning though weather conditions may have played a role.

While such tragedies occur daily across the globe, the sudden death of a celebrity figure receives far more attention and has a greater impact on society as a whole.  We all want immediate reassurance that the accident was preventable, thereby minimizing our personal risk for such a tragedy.

Finally, the immense shock of the event, which will haunt his family and close friends for many years to come, will rapidly abate for the rest of us as our attention turns to the story of the day....the Impeachment, the coronavirus etc.  After all, none of us, no matter how famous, feared, admired or transformative during our lifetime, is indispensable.