Saturday, May 8, 2021

Big Day, Small Area

This is Big Day, when birders across the globe are encouraged to submit counts to eBird.  Most avid birdwatchers head for their favorite hotspots, hoping to rank high on the species charts.  Due to the inclement weather, I elected to submit my list from our back deck in Columbia, Missouri.

Despite the chilly rain and cloudy skies, I observed 19 species over one hour.  Of these, a fair number were personal firsts for this season: chimney swifts, a pair of Baltimore orioles, a great crested flycatcher, a Nashville warbler and a common yellowthroat.  The latter bird, which favors wetland areas along streams and lakes, was the first I have ever seen on our property, which we have owned for 24 years.

Novice birders often assume that the variety of birds that visit their yards is rather small, having been acquainted with only a few species since childhood.  But persistence and patience soon negate that assumption and they learn that backyard birding can be a rewarding experience, especially during the spring and fall migrations.