Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Humans & Misinformation

As Covid 19 ravages the globe, there is (justifiably) a great deal of discussion about sources of misinformation that discourage vaccination.  Most of these lies and conspiracy theories spread via the internet though some "legitimate" news organizations (e.g. Fox News) participate as well.

While this focus on Covid and vaccine misinformation is important, we humans have long been subjected to falsehoods from a wide variety of trusted sources: religious leaders, politicians and industrialists come immediately to mind.  What do all of these misinformation peddlers have in common?  They are all threatened by scientific knowledge which challenges their livelihood or business; they want us to believe in creationism, reject data on climate change, ignore warnings on cigarette packages or accept conspiracy theories that support their political goals.

The fight to abolish misinformation is difficult, especially during the Age of the Internet.  Big Money is behind much of the false data that arises from Industry and political campaigns while ingrained fear and guilt ensure the continued influence of religious organizations.  In the end, science-based education is the only effective tool and even that weapon is regularly challenged by the Captains of Misinformation.