Heading west once again, I encountered numerous flocks of Canada geese in western Missouri and eastern Kansas. Despite the cold, cloudy, misty weather, the geese seemed energized, circling in the air or heading off in various directions.
I assumed that their restlessness was related to their pending migration (at least for some of them). Responding to the lengthening daylight, they must sense their upcoming journey. Even the permanent residents must experience this genetic tug, imbedded in their genome long before humans enticed them to stay in the American Heartland.
Farther along, the skies cleared and I encountered large flocks of migrant geese west of Salina and east of Hays. Too distant to identify with certainty, they were likely greater white-fronted geese (dark in coloration but too small to be Canadas). Spring comes early for wild geese, especially for those that breed in the Arctic.