Another morning and I open my email to find 10 requests for money to combat the surging MAGA scourge. Turning on the news, I hear that another "respected poll" demonstrates that the Presidential race is a dead-heat; a discussion by political experts will follow after a few money-making commercials.
While I strongly support Kamala Harris, it is nauseatingly clear that both political parties and all news programs are using poll reports to stoke fear and raise money. Yet, throughout U.S. history, political polls have been inaccurate on many occasions; remember the "red-wave" projections in 2022?
I refuse to believe that a majority of Americans would place an aging, narcissistic, misogynistic, career criminal back in office; if so, then our Democracy is already doomed. My advice is to ignore the polls and emails and make sure to vote. I will not attempt to raise any money through this post but I will cut the subscription rate in half for those who perform their civic duty.