Saturday, December 27, 2008

Weather and Wildlife

Today provided inspiration for indoor activities. Heavy rain, falling temperatures and the promise of ice have kept most of us out of the elements. And, equipped with heated homes, cars, malls, theaters and supermarkets, there was little need to venture into the great outdoors. But our wild neighbors, who fend for themselves, have little choice; they must endure the cold rain or skip dinner!

Of course, their fur and feathers provide ample protection as they hunt for prey or scour the landscape for nuts, berries and hibernating insects. In the midst of this morning's downpour, a pair of titmice moved between the feeder and suet block, their distinctive crests plastered to their skulls. At the same time, a fox squirrel, using his tail as an umbrella, managed to dislodge a pine cone feeder before carting it off to his den. And throughout the day, despite the weather, the usual mix of residential birds paid their respects.

Beyond their natural protection and survival skills, wild creatures are not burdened by man's preoccupation with the past and the future. They do not dwell on the glorious days of autumn or anticipate the coming spring. They have no thermometers or calendars to check and are not inclined toward procrastination. Rather, they are focused on the present and must take what comes; their survival depends on a day to day approach to life. If only we could adopt that attitude!