Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Chickadee Gifts

Hang a new feeder in the backyard or fill an old one for the first time in the fall and, in almost every case, chickadees will be the first birds to accept your gift. Inquisitive, cheerful and trusting, these small birds seem to drift through life with a carefree attitude, oblivious to the many threats that nature may impose. Unlike their fair-weather cousins, chickadees do not depart for southern climes as winter sets in; rather, they roam about in small flocks, often in the company of titmice and downy woodpeckers, feasting on seeds, pupae and insect eggs.

Well equipped to endure the harsh winter weather, chickadees are a source of inspiration throughout the year, exuding optimism as they move through the woodlands or stop to partake of our backyard handouts. Though diminutive, they are undaunted by conditions that cause many animals (including humans) to retreat to sheltered dens. Once again, it is their positive attitude that seems to fuel their energy; they don't just cope with life...they seem to relish every minute.

When chickadees visit the feeder on those bleak winter days, they offer more than they receive. In return for our charity, they bestow faith and hope, a fair trade indeed.