As the political season heats up, gay rights have once again become fodder for conservative talk show hosts, politicians and religious leaders, all of whom use disinformation to back their arguments. As in all forms of discrimination, ignorance sets the stage for blind acceptance and large segments of our society harbor the view that homosexuality is a behavioral choice (or, at best, an illness) that may be taught or transmitted to innocent children. They either reject or are oblivious to the fact that homosexuality is an inherited trait, no less innate than blond hair or dark skin; indeed, there is substantial scientific evidence that up to 10% of humans are homosexual or bisexual.
Of course, early religious indoctrination and parental attitudes also influence our views about homosexuality. Like other beliefs that are ingrained during childhood, negative feelings about homosexuality are difficult to restrain, especially amidst the emotional turmoil of the teenage years. The hatred and self-doubt that is generated during this period account for the bullying and suicides that have recently dominated the news; in fact, gay teens are four times more likely to commit suicide than their heterosexual counterparts.
Ironically, the most vocal opponents of gay rights are often attempting to disguise their own homosexual or bisexual feelings. They rail against the secretive and promiscuous behavior of many gays while denying them open acceptance, military or teaching opportunities and marriage rights. Once again, hypocrisy raises its ugly head in American society and many of her most productive and creative citizens must either suffer in silence or be branded as social outcasts.