Having punched the annual time clock of life three days ago, I, like most human males, am not modest about my age (63 journeys around the sun for me). Yet, many humans of both genders tend to be uncomfortable with the process of aging, becoming depressed as their bodies change and their minds gradually fade to black (or at least gray).
Of course, age is relative to one's fitness, health and attitude and some persons in their eighties are more active than most humans are in their forties. And current evidence suggests that the more active we remain (both physically and mentally), the healthier we tend to be at any given age. Then again, longevity is most closely related to one's genetics, a factor over which we have no personal control (not yet, anyway).
Persons who become depressed about their age have likely been spared the early death of friends or family members during their life. Those of us who have had such experiences feel fortunate to have survived another year and tend to appreciate the extended reprieve. Few of us want to live beyond our capacity for meaningful participation in the many facets of life but, until then, we're happy to slow down (if necessary) and enjoy the rest of the journey.