Thursday, July 4, 2019

The Season of Acknowledgement

As we enter the heart of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, many of us will experience heat waves, severe storms, hurricanes, floods, drought, wildfires and water shortages, focusing our attention on the projected impact of global warming.  Even climate change deniers may be forced to acknowledge the reality of our predicament.

For all who care about the science of climatology and the impact of global warming on human populations, I recommend reading Welcome to Climate Change, the May/June, 2019 issue of MIT Technology Review.  Drawn to my attention by my son, the review covers efforts to reduce the severity of global warming, the various technological means of adapting to a warmer climate and the suffering (present and future) that has and will be borne (inequitably) by human societies.

No doubt, those who seek out and read this review will be those who are already alarmed by the potential impact of climate change and are doing their part to mitigate global warming; Trump and his legions will toss it in their collective barrel of fake news.  Fortunately, local governments, many countries, conservation organizations and an increasing number of small and large industries (that understand the economics of climate change and the importance of being on the right side of this issue) are adopting and promoting green technology despite the rhetoric and policies of the current American Administration.