Monday, August 5, 2019

Domestic Terrorism in America

As Domestic Terrorism in the United States continues to increase, almost solely fostered by White Nationalism, the government has failed to enact specific laws to fight this scourge and our President continues to fuel racist and anti-immigrant fervor.

Of course, the Republican-controlled Senate, stymied by Mitch McConnell, has not taken up bills related to reasonable gun control and cannot muster the backbone to oppose Trump's racist rhetoric.  The FBI has made it clear that Domestic Terrorism has become a greater threat to the welfare of Americans than ongoing International Terrorism; indeed, individuals of many races and creeds are often caught up in the violence directed at specific racial or religious groups.

Repeatedly asking constituents to pray for the victims of domestic terror is an empty political ploy.  Hopefully, the 2020 elections will favor those candidates who are willing to directly face and solve these threats from those who fear the NRA and Trump's constituents.  The great majority of Americans, Republicans and gun owners favor universal background checks and other common-sense means to end mass shootings and the relentless gun violence in America; it is time for the Senate to rebuke our racist President and to take an effective stance against Domestic Terrorism.