Friday, August 23, 2019

Impeach the Chosen One!

The time has come for Congress (Democrats and Republicans alike) to admit that we cannot risk another 16 months of a Trump Presidency.  Now describing himself as "The Chosen One," our Dear Leader is shifting his policies on a daily basis, having forced out most of his competent advisors and Cabinet Members.

Never mind the findings of the Mueller Investigation; this failed businessman is incapable of running our government and his extreme narcissism affects his approach to every issue.  Destroying the legacy of President Obama seems to be his only consistent goal.

Slashing environmental regulations, offending Allies, threatening our economy and healthcare, trashing our Intelligence Agencies, ridiculing our free press, fomenting racism and aligning himself with foreign dictators are his only "achievements."  Our Democracy is under assault by this disturbed bigot and it is time for Impeachment, based primarily on his incompetence, racism, un-American behavior and mental instability.