Friday, July 17, 2020

Freedom, Politics & Public Health

As we are learning with the Covid-19 Pandemic, the degree of personal freedom within a country can be inversely related to the effectiveness of that country's public health system, especially when politics intervenes.

Here in the United States, we cherish our personal freedom and do not appreciate being told what to do and when to do it.  Taking advantage of that expectation, Trump, his Administration and his political allies have zeroed in on Americans who distrust science, sewing resentment of public health officials and their recommendations.  As a consequence, our ability to contain the virus has been severely compromised.

Freedom is a double-edged sword.  Unless it is coupled with knowledge and social cooperation, it is a license for chaos and irresponsible behavior.  Devoid of effective leadership, the Land of the Free has put out the welcome mat for Covid-19.  Wear a Mask!