Wednesday, October 14, 2020

DNA Transfer

We have all had the experience.  Setting off on a road trip, we soon discover that an unwelcome passenger is along for the ride.....a house fly.  Such an event occurred today as we left Denver early this morning and drove to Columbia, Missouri.

Try as we might, we could not dislodge (or kill) our stowaway and it would intermittently buzz our heads.  Leaving the windows open or the doors ajar at rest stops did not encourage his departure.  For all I know, he is still in the car, now in Columbia, or may be exploring our yard.

Such experiences often make me wonder if we are disrupting the natural balance of the planet, potentially injecting alien genes into the local fly population.  Perhaps we will create an army of super-flies; alternatively, we may decimate the regional fly population by releasing the foreign agent.  It's not like I won't be able to sleep tonight; just food for thought!