Monday, October 26, 2020

The Nature of Hope

Hope is a human trait, yet another reflection of our large complex brain.  It might be defined as the wish for an outcome over which one has limited or no control.  Of course, hope is often, though not necessarily, tied to mysticism.

When we have full control over events that lead toward a goal, there is no need for hope.  Unfortunately, such situations are relatively rare in life and, by necessity, must be purely personal.  Once external factors, individuals or social systems are involved, hope comes into play.  We hope to stay well.  We hope to be loved.  We hope to be accepted into schools or businesses.  We hope that others share our convictions and hope that they will support measures to protect those commitments..

Some might argue that hope is a waste of intellectual energy.  Most likely believe that hope is essential for a healthy mind.  Few would deny that hope is a universal human trait but acknowledge that hope without action is futile.  Vote!!