Thursday, November 26, 2020

Many to Thank

Nearing the end of this difficult year, there are many individuals to thank on this National Holiday.  First, of course, are the front-line medical teams, who have risked their lives to treat those with Covid-19, as well as those who have worked to provide the essential services and products that keep the rest of us safe and healthy.  The medical researchers, whose expertise have brought us the promise of vaccines within the next few months, also deserve our sincere gratitude.

Next are all who worked toward the successful election of Joe Biden, from the campaign workers to the poll workers and especially those election officials who have resisted Trump's ongoing efforts to delegitimize the results.  Their efforts have rescued our Democracy and will, in time, turn out to be vital in addressing climate change, human rights and international relationships, among other important issues.

As the pandemic has taught us, we cannot take life for granted and, as the Trump Administration has shown, we cannot assume that American Democracy and our Constitution are invulnerable.  My personal thanks to all who have demonstrated the courage to insure their protection.