Sunday, November 22, 2020

Time to ignore Trump

President Trump will not be changing his approach to the pandemic, climate change, conservation, human rights, international relationships, healthcare and immigration over the next sixty days.  Rather, he will be focused on the election, spreading lies to explain away his loss and making Joe Biden's ascent to power as complicated as possible.

It is time to ignore Trump (with the exception of any executive orders that he might choose to sign).  We do not need to hear about every tweet, lawsuit or pronouncement that emanates from Our Dear Leader or his sycophants.  Hopefully, the press (and especially the cable news media) will shift their attention to the Biden transition team and the policies that they plan to implement.

Trump feeds on public attention and the adoration of his followers.  By taking away his megaphone, we will reassure allies and calm the political turmoil that pervades this country.  Time to cut the cord of rhetoric and drama.  Trump's reign is over; judgment awaits.