Wednesday, January 5, 2022

A River of Ducks

Now that the ponds and lakes along the Front Range have frozen over, wintering waterfowl gather on the South Platte River.  A relatively small stream, the river is paralleled by a hike-bike path which affords close observation of the geese and ducks.

Yesterday, coaxed down to the river by mild, sunny weather, my wife and I found that the South Platte was clogged with waterfowl.  Canada geese and mallards were most abundant but most winter species were represented; among these were cackling geese, buffleheads, common goldeneyes, ring-necked ducks, hooded mergansers and green-winged teal.  Other sightings included killdeer, a great blue heron and a red-tailed hawk.

While all of these species are rather common in Colorado, their mass congregation on the river is a seasonal spectacle and a unique birding experience, especially for novice birders.  Of course, the waterfowl are just drawn to open water and are not likely impressed by our interest.