Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Winter of Our Discontent

With nods to Shakespeare and John Steinbeck, this seems to be The Winter of Our Discontent.  Facing another surge of COViD, a dysfunctional Federal Government, widespread shortages, travel disruptions, foreign challenges and the scourge of misinformation (inflamed by social media), it is difficult to retain a positive attitude.

Then, of course, are the extreme weather events that are tied directly to our warming climate, a threat denied by a significant percentage of Americans.  Anti-science rhetoric rings through our government, our society and our schools.  Distrust of law enforcement, educators, election officials, medical experts and our judicial system tears at the fabric of our society.

No doubt, our country has faced more severe crises in the past but perhaps never from so many directions at once.  So what does an old, nature-loving, science-oriented, social liberal and fiscal conservative do?  I rely on PBS and the New York Times for my information, forgoing the drama, repetition and political nonsense that characterize other sources.  I get outdoors as much as possible, seeking the solitude and tranquility that offer escape from human-induced stress. Finally, as long as I'm kicking, I'll vote for those who seem most capable of rescuing this troubled nation.