Thursday, May 12, 2022

Climate Change & Grandkids

We all know why Conservative Republicans ignore climate change and challenge the fact that human activity is largely responsible.  After all, their constituents include the fossil fuel industry, beef producers, various "developers" and religious evangelicals, among other groups that resist economic change to combat global warming.

But one wonders why these individuals seem unconcerned about the welfare of their grandkids and great grandchildren.  Do they wish to leave a planet pummeled by drought, water shortages, severe storms, destructive floods, rising seas, social dislocations and widespread famine?  We have already poisoned Earth's ecosystems and continue to use rivers and oceans as industrial dumps.

Conservation and climate change remain politically-charged subjects even as the welfare of our planet and our species are threatened.  Should we be enjoying the carefree benefits of modern industry and agriculture while ignoring their effects on future generations?  It's hard to accept the fact that many humans answer "yes."