Saturday, May 21, 2022

Losing Faith in Humanity

Those who have read this blog on a regular basis know that I lost my faith in religious dogma long ago.  Now, sadly, I am beginning to lose my faith in humanity; the reasons are numerous and varied.

At the core of most is the willingness of individuals to accept the rhetoric of self-absorbed politicians and religious leaders; by doing so, they amplify conspiracy theories and derail efforts to address climate change, human rights, racism and economic fairness.  We have seen this ongoing battle between mysticism and science lead to the distrust of public health officials, resulting in unnecessary deaths and chronic illness throughout the Covid pandemic.  We have also observed the consequences of misinformation and witnessed the imposition of religious philosophy on citizens, school systems and private corporations.  At the International level, dictators, unchallenged by their own military and citizenry, stage wars, practice genocide and suppress dissent.

Many humans believe that we were placed on Earth to provide stewardship; if so, we have failed miserably.  The ongoing destruction of natural habitat, the poisoning of natural ecosystems and the induction of global warming have threatened the welfare of our planet and its inhabitants (including our own species).  Of course, the most consequential victim of our troubled reign has been truth.