We humans have established the tradition of naming entire months for various causes or groups: Jazz Appreciation Month, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Financial Literacy Month, among many others, all deserving recognition and attention. But one wonders why our Planet gets just one day per year.
Today is Earth Day, established back in 1970. Humans across the globe stop to acknowledge how much damage we have inflicted on our Planet and, for at least one day, vow to make amends. We attend fairs, plant trees, try plant-based food and, perhaps, send our annual donation to a conservation organization. Of course, we plan to do the same next year.
Perhaps Earth Day should be redefined and personalized. I suggest we devote one day of each week to the health of our Planet. On that day we would minimize our energy use, not eat meat, use mass transit (if needed), spend time outdoors and review how we might decrease our personal consumption and increase our recycling efforts (among other Earth-friendly choices). The health of our Planet deserves at least this much attention.