In our effort to combat global warming, decreased energy use and diminished personal consumption are among the leading tools available to human society. In that respect, the private jet industry would seem to be one of the more egregious offenders.
One cannot watch cable TV these days without encountering the ads of these companies, offering the convenience of efficient travel and multiple associated perks to those who can afford their service. The wealthy hordes that jet off to Davos or to the Super Bowl represent their targeted customers; of course, the excessive consumption goes well beyond the flight during such events.
Despite alternative technological options (Zoom meetings for example) the ultra-wealthy want to mingle with celebrities and other powerbrokers as they consume their way through life. First Class travel on scheduled airlines is too inconvenient and well beneath their standards. If we are to successfully combat climate change, we must all do our part; perhaps our most pampered citizens (however hard they worked to earn that status) could wean themselves from private jets.