Saturday, June 1, 2024

A Gray Morning on the Floodplain

Low, gray clouds shrouded Eagle Bluffs Conservation Area early this morning, releasing intermittent drizzle as I crawled along the graveled roadways in my VW Beetle.  For a while, I was the only human at this renowned floodplain refuge.

Nevertheless, the birding was decent and, as photographers know, the filtered light actually made identification easier.  I encountered 29 species during my visit, all rather common in central Missouri; however, I did observe a prothonotary warbler, my first of the season.

Most of all, I enjoyed the solitude and the cool, moist air, especially appealing at the onset of what will likely be a long, hot summer.  Like the turkey vultures, which were grounded by the weather, I am content to wait for the summer sun.