Saturday, December 17, 2016

Death & Remembrance

We humans become aware of death at age 5 or so; from that point on, our concept of death is molded by our family, our friends and our education.  Across the globe, different cultures instill their unique beliefs and, upon death, conduct specific rites.

Those who live under the influence of mythology (i.e. religion) generally anticipate some form of afterlife and their death is accompanied by ceremonies designed to insure that the transition is successful.  In such cultures, funerals tend to place more emphasis on that transition than on remembrance and attention is turned to traditional prayers and rituals.

Those of us who reject mysticism prefer to focus on remembrance, acknowledging the virtues, influence and accomplishments of the deceased.  We want to celebrate their life, not dwell on their fate after death.  For us, death is life's final act and whatever rewards they might have hoped for have already been received.