Friday, January 29, 2021

Moose along Hoosier Creek

When I get the urge to visit the High Country, I generally head for one of several Subalpine Valleys that are accessed from U.S. 285, thereby avoiding the congestion and popular destinations along Interstate 70.  One of these, the Hoosier Creek Valley, is relatively broad, offering scenic vistas; it is also lined with beaver ponds and willow thickets, seemingly a perfect location to find moose.

While that assumption has failed in the past, it proved accurate this morning when I encountered three of the large herbivores feeding near the creek; I also observed numerous moose tracks criss-crossing the valley.  As I cautiously approached in my pickup, two of the moose trotted off into the adjacent forest but one continued to browse on the willows (see photo), oblivious of my presence.

It was certainly a rewarding journey this morning.  The moose were definitely the highlight but I also enjoyed cool, fresh mountain air, abundant sunshine and, of course, the peaceful solitude that I so often seek.