Saturday, January 16, 2021

Winter Inertia

Most humans, native to the Tropics, prefer warm, sunny weather for outdoor activities, whether they be chores or forms of entertainment.  Though we are now equipped with high-tech gear and clothing, just the thought of venturing outdoors on a cold, cloudy day can be enough to put off those activities.  After all, we now have an army of cable-based weathermen who's job relies on warning us of outdoor risks.

Many thus choose to entertain themselves with endless streaming opportunities, TV sports and other indoor pastimes, steeling themselves for jaunts to the store or walks to the curb with their garbage.  Spring cannot arrive soon enough and even a beautiful snowstorm is best enjoyed from the cozy confines of one's heated house.

The cure for this winter inertia is to ignore weather forecasts (except in extreme, life-threatening cases), bundle up and head out into the crisp, invigorating winter air.  The exercise will be beneficial and you might be surprised by the variety of wildlife that you encounter in our winter landscapes.  Put off the chores if you must but don't deprive yourself of winter's tranquility and solitude.