Sunday, January 3, 2021

Toward the Light

Two weeks past the winter solstice, we in the Northern Hemisphere are heading toward longer days and milder temperatures, changes welcomed by most humans.  But this year, in America and across the globe, we have other reasons to be optimistic.

Covid-19 vaccines, if accepted by the public and widely distributed, will eventually put an end to the pandemic, perhaps returning our lives to "normal" by the end of summer.  And then, of course, there is the defeat of Donald Trump and all that he has represented.  It is very possible, despite the antics of the far right, that the Biden Administration will bring a new age of enlightenment, focused on international cooperation and leadership, human rights, environmentalism, respect for a free press, attention to our crumbling infrastructure, support for the arts and widespread access to high quality, affordable healthcare.

Those of us especially concerned about the welfare of our natural ecosystems look forward to the reversal of Trump's arbitrary policies and re-engagement with the world community in our efforts to combat climate change.  We will soon be abandoning the darkness of mysticism and conspiracy theories and moving toward the light of science and truth.