Like our linden (discussed yesterday), our cholla cactus is another plant that blooms in July. Also like the linden, it was well developed when we purchased the farm more than three decades ago; I suspect it is at least fifty years old.
Cholla cacti are represented by some 35 species, native to deserts of the Western Hemisphere. Their cylindrical branches are covered with fine, barbed spines and their flower color varies with the species; our resident cactus is adorned with bright red flowers in mid summer (see photo) while most cholla species flower in late spring or early summer.
Needless to say, the cholla does well in the semi-arid Front Range climate and our only maintenance has been to trim nearby tree branches to keep them from shading this sun-loving plant. To my knowledge, we have no resident wildlife that feed on the cactus though broad-tailed hummingbirds and various insects likely feast on the floral nectar.