As one who crosses the Great Plains of North America on a regular basis, I have noticed something over the past seven years that is a bit of mystery. The geography has not changed, the land use has remained stable and the seasonal weather patterns are fairly predictable. Yet, there has been a notable addition to the scenery during that time.
A bastion of Christian Conservatives, the Great Plains have long harbored road signs that praise Jesus, reject abortion and ask travelers "Where will you spend eternity?" But in recent years, Trump signs are intermingled with the religious messaging. As one who was raised in the Catholic Church, I am well aware of the traits attributed to Jesus and, based on that Christian education, Trump is no Jesus.
One thus wonders how these ranchers and farmers can praise Jesus while also promoting Trump. To my recollection, Jesus did not abuse women, seek personal wealth, cheat his followers or heap attention on himself. Neither did he ridicule his competitors, spread lies about his accomplishments or defame female associates. Now that I think about it, this mystery extends well beyond the Great Plains.