Despite remarkable advances in science over the past Century, explaining the nature of our Universe, our planet and ourselves, we have entered a period during which truth has become the enemy for segments of human society. Focused on securing and retaining power, they intend to control the flow of information, most of which is false.
Of course, in the U.S., Donald Trump is the self-proclaimed leader of this movement and his Big Lie is it's cornerstone. Falling into place, Conservative Republicans are using arbitrary decrees to spread their misinformation, blaming law enforcement, educators, health professionals and the scientific community for the perceived "ills of society." Lacking facts to support their claims, they rely on conspiracy theories, like-minded jurists and an uneducated populace to retain control.
Democracy can only exist in a society that values truth. Our legal system is designed to defend it and our educational institutions are tasked with exposing it. Yet, a significant number of Americans want to bury it.