Thursday, January 31, 2019

The President is Speaking

I don't watch much television, except for some news, sports, business and weather, but when I hear the words "The President is Speaking" I have a Pavlovian response, immediately turning off the set until his allotted time to display his ignorance is over.

Who can respect or even believe the words of this man, famous for his endless lies and narcissistic rants?  How can we trust someone who sidles up to dictators, denounces the free press, degrades immigrants, fosters racism and ridicules the science of climate change?  And how can anyone who cares about the health of our environment respect this enemy of conservation, devoted to the coal, oil and gas industries and determined to eliminate every environmental regulation that Congress or the EPA have enacted?

No, I cannot respect this man.  The 2020 elections cannot arrive soon enough and it is my hope that Impeachment ends his reign well in advance of that democratic process.