Friday, January 3, 2020

Impulsive Foreign Policy

Yesterday's assassination of Iran's top General was described by Trump and his Administration as a "decisive act" to ward off an "imminent threat," the details of which have not yet been revealed.  But it seems to be another impulsive act in Trumpian foreign policy that places our country, our troops and our allies in danger.

While many of us agreed with Trump's attempt at diplomacy with North Korea and with his commitment to end our military presence in the Middle East, his policies have been riddled with insults and inconsistencies and have not been conducted in coordination with our allies.  Yanking troops from Syria placed the Kurds at risk and yesterday's drone strike, which turned a terrorist into a martyr, invites more terrorism from a country that had once signed a nuclear arms agreement with the free world (slashed, of course, by Trump).

If we truly want peace on this planet, it will only come through diplomacy.  War begets war and economic sanctions are far more effective in the long run.  Fueled by his own narcissism, Trump claims to know what is best for our country; no need to consult Congress or military experts.  His impulsive foreign policy is just another reason to remove Trump from office.