Friday, October 2, 2020

Covid Strikes Back

This morning, we learned that President Trump, the First Lady and several members of the Administration have become infected with Covid-19.  In addition, several high-profile individuals who attended the reception for the Supreme Court Nominee have also developed the infection.  A common thread?  Close contact without the use of masks, adhering to the Trump Doctrine that masks are for weak people.

One hopes that none of these individuals will develop serious complications of the infection but Trump, aged 74 and obese, is a prime candidate for such an outcome.  Declared a hoax by many of his followers, usually at Trump's urging, the virus does not choose its victims; rather, the victims put themselves at risk when they cannot or refuse to adhere to preventive measures recommended by public health officials.

Will this crisis be a reality check for the anti-science legions who hang on every Trump proclamation?  One doubts that will be the case.  But Covid-19 is an opportunist and the bombastic denials from the President and his minions have finally (and not surprisingly) come home to roost.