While we are fascinated by the natural history of other species, humans tend to be rather provincial when it comes to our own origin and homeland. We are proud to be natives of France, Michigan or Bogota.
Current scientific evidence suggests that humans evolved in East Africa, about 125,000 years ago (just yesterday in geologic time); a minority of anthropologists believe that our species arose at several sites across Africa and southern Asia but DNA evidence seems to support the former hypothesis. It also indicates that humans did not leave Africa until 80,000 years ago, reaching Australia 60,000 years ago, Europe 40,000 years ago and North America 20,000 years ago. Hawaii was not colonized until 500 AD and humans did not reach New Zealand until 800 AD.
In our modern world, a mosaic of cultures, religions and political systems, the concept of a borderless planet seems impractical, unsustainable and, frankly, unsafe to most humans. After all, immigration has acquired a negative image, bringing to mind the clandestine invasion of desperate individuals, some by foot, others by sea. We are reluctant to accept our common origin, preferring to emphasize our superficial differences; but, in the end, we are all African immigrants.