Monday, September 14, 2020

Outdoors Season

Looking ahead at the weather forecast for central Missouri, it appears we have finally entered the outdoors season.  While we may experience another hot, humid spell, those conditions should be brief.

Though I spent six summers working as a lifeguard and cut lawns for income during my youth, I have become increasingly intolerant of heat as I have grown older.  For me, summer weather is often unpleasant and I limit my outdoor activity to the early morning and evening hours.  From mid September to mid May, however, I am outdoors most of the time, hiking birding, reading or performing a variety of chores.  After all, it is during this period that our wild neighbors also tend to be most active and conspicuous.

While humans evolved in the Tropics and we are naturally designed to handle heat better than cold, our large brains have enabled us to remain active during the colder months.  Equipped with layered clothing and other winter gear, some of us are far more likely to head outdoors during the chilly months than we are during the oppressive heat of summer.  Unfortunately, global warming may significantly shorten the outdoors season.