Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Quail Hollow Park

Quail Hollow Park, just northeast of Hartville Ohio, is 703 acres of meadows, swamps and forest, accessed  by hiking, horse and mountain bike trails.  Once a farm, the refuge was later a hunting preserve before becoming a State Park in 1975; Stark County assumed management of the Park in recent years.

In addition to the trail network, Quail Hollow Park offers fishing on Shady Lake and harbors a Nature Center that is open on weekends; historic buildings and a garden also grace the property.  On our visit late this morning, my wife and I hiked through the deciduous-pine forest, circling the course of a meandering stream and its woodland swamp; despite yesterday's heavy rain, the well engineered trails were easily traversed and our 2-mile course through fragrant, shaded terrain was a pleasant and peaceful excursion.

There was nothing special about Quail Hollow Park and both the flora and fauna were common for this region of Ohio's Appalachian Plateau.  But it was new to us and that was more than enough to warrant a visit.