Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Vote for the Planet

Now that voting has begun in some States, it is especially important to emphasize what effect another four years of the Trump Administration will have on the welfare of our planet.  Denying that climate change is underway and that human activity is primarily responsible, Trump withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord and shows no sign of changing course.

Every week brings another attack on the health of our environment as he slashes regulations that protect our air, water and natural ecosystems.  Trump is single-handedly turning back the clock to the era of unbridled pollution and excessive consumption; he ignores habitat destruction and the extinction of species and is primarily interested in appeasing the dictators and captains of industry whom he admires.

We have little time to alter the course of global warming and another four years of the Trump Administration (and his Republican enablers) may very well seal our fate.  It is imperative that we vote for Biden and return the Senate to Democratic control.  Vote for your Grandkids!  Vote for the Planet!