Monday, July 12, 2021

The Front Range Greenery Persists

After a three week absence, I returned to our Littleton, Colorado, farm to find that the unusual summer greenery persists; in fact, the trees, shrubs and "grass" may be more lush than they were when I left.

In most years, the farm begins to "brown-out" by early July and remains dry until the monsoon rains of August-September provide some relief.  This year, regular showers and thunderstorms have bestowed a Midwestern look on the property (without the humid air that characterizes that region).  While much of the West remains excessively hot and dry, the Front Range has, so far, been spared.

As a reminder that we are not far from the fire lines, a smoky haze obscured the mountains as I drove into Metro Denver this morning.  Despite our luck this season, we cannot forget that this is a semi-arid ecosystem; hopefully, most residents and businesses will dispense with unnecessary irrigation while our good fortune lasts.