Friday, November 19, 2021

Our Avian Magnet Tree

A modest-sized eastern redcedar stands just northwest of our house and, this year, it is loaded with berries.  As a result, local birds are swarming to its natural bounty.

Of course, American robins dominate the scene and I counted at least 200 in or near the tree this morning.  Cedar waxwings are also regular visitors, generally arriving in flocks of 12 to 24 individuals.  Other species, while not necessarily fans of juniper berries, are drawn by the activity; house finches and American goldfinches seem to be especially curious.  Then there are the blue jays, our avian constables, turning up to complain about the noisy congestion and to make sure that they are not missing out on a convenient source of food.

While the feast has already lasted for a several weeks, plenty of berries remain.  As naturalists know, planting trees can produce multiple benefits: beautifying your property, re-wilding the landscape, combating climate change and attracting a rich diversity of wildlife.  Plant trees and lose some lawn!!