Saturday, December 4, 2021

Reducing Energy Consumption

Despite our dysfunctional Federal Government, private corporations, cities and utility companies are making efforts to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.  Nevertheless, we must all do our part to combat global warming and, for most Americans, solar panels and electric vehicles are not yet affordable. But there are some simple measures we can all take; individually, they may seem futile (if not silly) but, collectively, they will lead to a significant reduction in energy use:

1. Turn off lights that are not being used (a habit I learned from my Conservative, religious, father). Switch to low-energy bulbs as well.

2. Walk, bike or take mass transit whenever possible.

3. Reduce the size of your lawn to decrease mower use and get rid of all electric/gas trimmers, leaf blowers etc.  The exercise will be an added benefit.

4. Reduce your use of hot water for showers, dishwashing and laundry.

5. Combine errands (including child transport) to decrease your vehicle fuel consumption.

There are other measures, of course, but these five are a good start and certainly enough to prompt ridicule from climate change deniers.

Disclaimer: no major research was done to verify the effectiveness of these recommendations; results may vary and common sense may be difficult to accept.