Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Magpies & the Fox

On this cold, clear December morning, I was drawn to the window by the raucous cries of black-billed magpies.  A dozen or more had gathered in our large honeylocust, making repeated sorties across the pasture; a few were clearly swooping toward a target.  My suspicions were confirmed when a red fox suddenly bounded through the tall, dry grass, retreating toward the barn with the magpies in pursuit.

Currently the top predator on our farm, the fox has little to fear but is not immune to annoying battles with the magpie patrol; the demands of the magpies notwithstanding, the fox eventually wins the war, as the remains of magpies occasionally confirm.

Indeed, the large, truculent magpies are easily the most conspicuous residents of our farm.  They seem to feel invincible but the wily fox and the powerful Cooper's hawks ensure that their confidence is tempered with a healthy level of respect.