Saturday, October 1, 2022

Nature's Glory Days

Others may disagree but I (and I suspect most naturalists) believe that October is the pinnacle of nature's year in the Northern Hemisphere.  Mild, sunny days and clear, crisp nights are the rule and, on the heels of a long, hot summer, they invite outdoor exploration.

Of course, our wild neighbors seem to agree; invigorated by the chill, they are more active and conspicuous and, throughout the month, are joined by winter residents that filter down from the north.  Plants put on a show with their colorful foliage and their nutritious nuts and berries attract a host of wildlife.  Since the chilly nights have suppressed the insect population, we are all more comfortable as we explore the forests, prairies and wetlands.

Some may dislike the shortening daylight and dread the looming winter but nature has saved her best for last.  These are her glory days.