Saturday, March 18, 2023

The Temptation to Believe

When we witness the behavior of persons such as Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump and Alex Jones, we hope that some form of retribution awaits them.  Frustrated that they have the means to escape punishment in this life, we are tempted to believe in a deity that will even the score.

Of course, no evidence exists for such a Supreme Judge though millions of humans anticipate eternal punishment for even the most common of human "sins."  Instilled in early childhood, this fear of God permeates their lives; indeed, true believers argue that such faith strengthens human society though evidence suggests otherwise.  Religious zealotry has fueled many (if not most) of the conflicts and social injustices throughout the history of our civilization.

Yet, the concept of universal justice appeals to most of us.  Leaning on the tenets of a democratic society (while it lasts), we put our faith in the judicial system.  We should find out in the next few months if that faith is warranted.